Ganesh Chaturthi Special: Virtues Of Managing Money Smartly

Vighnaharta, the name says it all – Remover of the obstacle. To initiate a new beginning, we always first remember the Elephant God – Lord GaneshLord Ganesh is known as the God of intellect and wisdom.

To make you understand the importance of managing money, let us remember a well-known story of Lord Kubera – who is known as the God of Wealth as per Hindu Mythology. They say a combination of money and power is most dangerous, as it corrupts the mind and ego of a person. Something similar happened in case of Lord Kubera, he was too proud of his wealth and wanted to show it off to the world. So, to teach him a lesson, Lord Shiva asked Lord Ganesh, to mild down his pride and ego. Lord Ganesh is also known as Lambodara – Huge bellied lord, ate everything and anything in no time at Kubera’s place till the time he had nothing left to serve to his guest. This incident came as a shock to Kubera, and he understood that money can’t buy everything and hence, his perspective towards money changed.

With money, don’t lose perspective

Create wealth to create value, and not to satisfy your ego.

Always remember that generating wealth should come with a pre-determined objective.

Warren Buffett – one of the world’s most respected investor, lives a modest lifestyle despite his net worth of around $85 billion. He purchased a five-bedroom house in Omaha in 1958 for $31,500 and has lived there ever since. Buffett doesn’t spend his money on electronics and reportedly doesn’t carry a cell phone or have a computer at his desk.

Hence you if you dream of having load of riches to have a splashy lifestyle, use this festive season as an opportunity to think again. Look at those who have not only created wealth but also maintained it. Find out what drives them, their passions and by taking a cue or two use it to imbibe it in your own value system.

You define your wealth; your wealth does not define you

Be a more evolved person than just the money you own. Your wealth should not be the only one driving you. Just like Warren Buffet several billionaires around the world are known for their drive, their passion, their thinking and their innovation than just the zeros in their bank account.

Your value system should define how you can add value to others life rather than just earning money. Build on that – focused on a more evolved thinking and money will follow. There is a famous dialogue in the much-acclaimed Hindi movie – 3 Idiots, which roughly translates to “be capable and competent person and success and wealth will follow you no matter what”.

So, this Ganesh Charturthi, let go off the Kubera within you, focus on you capabilities and absorb these virtues to enlighten your money management techniques.