Wealth Solutions
Financial Planning
Investment and creation of wealth is an ongoing process that spans several years. In order to meet your financial target one has to continue to invest towards that goal. Financial needs, and therefore its planning, varies from individual to individual; and though your goals may be as different from others, there are some factors that become imperative with regards to investments when it comes to age brackets.
Planning your finances well and in advance is the path to attaining financial security and freedom. However, the investment plan and the portfolio is a dynamic process and should adjust to your various life-stages since your risk factor varies with age. Your risk-taking ability as a single individual would differ from when you have a family and when you are nearing your retirement.

As you age, the onus of adjusting your financial plans according to your changing scenario falls on you. Whether you are in your 20s or early 30s or nearing retirement, you must have the right financial portfolio comprising all the necessary asset classes that you can invest in. Let’s analyze how an individual’s investment planning changes with age.
Given different age group and investment experience for different people it is important to understand that each asset class carries market risk and must be navigated carefully. If you require guidance with regards to which asset to pick and how to build a portfolio, we at Navigator have investment options that meet every risk profile and appetite.
Young Adult
This age group comprises of new earners and with many starting their careers in their early 20s. The lifestyle, spending habits and financial commitments are different for these individuals as compared to those in their 30s and 40s. Major percentage of this group has student loans to repay, and a fast moving lifestyle to keep up with. With the promise of regular income, the risk appetite of the this age group is the highest which allows them the opportunity to be highly aggressive with their financial risk profile. Since you are just at the start of your earning path, with the potential to scale higher, you can afford the luxury of having a major portion of your asset class invested in equity. 75 percent equity investment along with an equal portion of debt and cash investments of 25 percent would be an ideal allocation.
Young Couple With family
The financial goals of this age group is more inclined towards making big decisions pertaining to marriage expenses, buying of a house or property, etc. By this time period, most people will have a stable job with their career on the right course having accumulated a certain number of work experience as well. This is good news as it allows you to have an appetite for risky investments with an aggressive approach. With the scale of your income and its regularity, you have the bandwidth to allocate a good portion of your investment, about 60 percent, towards equity investments while the remaining 25 and 15 percent can be distributed between debt and cash respectively.
Middle Age
The age group of 40s is probably one that is most laden with responsibilities, be it that of supporting your parents, funding the education of your children or just making adjustments to your new role as a parent, etc. These responsibilities stretch your income, and your investments tend to focus slightly more towards security than just garnering returns by taking higher risks. Your appetite for risk in this age bracket drops down to medium and even though you must continue to invest, your approach must be that of moderate aggression. While equity still remains the major occupant of your portfolio, its allocation must be brought down to a safe level of 40 percent, while at the same time you may increase your debt investments to 25 percent and cash to about 35 percent. This is substantial change from your previous allocations as now your focus is on taking lesser risk and accepting the moderate returns while ensuring the safety of your funds through higher debt investment.
Pre Retirement
The pre-retirement age is that crucial junction in any investors life when their investment focus is based on the knowledge that very soon their regular income would halt and that provisions need to be made for a comfortable retirement. It is in this phase of your investment journey that you replace the dominance of equity from your portfolio with cash investments. An approximate allocation of 45 percent cash, 35 percent debt and 20 percent equity would be of ideal scenario as your risk profile will be moderate with a low risk appetite.
This is the time when people have retired and do not earn a regular income from their jobs as they did in the preceding decades. This is also an affirmation to the fact that your financial plan must focus on maintaining the lifestyle that you have and having provisions for unforeseen contingencies. As a retiree, your risk appetite should be at the lowest when compared to your regular income earning days. Even the risk profile for your investments should be conservative with your asset classes having an approximate cash exposure of 80 percent and a debt exposure of 20 percent. As is evident, your expenses and your goals change with age and your investment objectives shift as well. When you are starting your career you can afford to take higher risks to garner higher returns, while on nearing retirement the dependence on risk diminishes. This is a pivotal transition that must be planned and followed with care to achieve a secure financial future.
We at Navigator understands each clients present situation, their risk profile, Investment objective & horizon ,based on facts we suggest them financial plan, help them to implement plan effectively and review plan periodically to achieve financial freedom .

Wealth Management
While the life cycle guide is a useful approach to financial planning, another somewhat supplementary approach that many experts recommend is that of the wealth cycle. The life cycle approach groups all investors in age group, irrespective of their financial condition. In fact each client is so unique, with a unique combination of circumstances, resources, attitudes and needs, that any attempt at grouping them by age has its drawbacks, especially if the attempt is to identify the one investment strategy that works best for the entire group. In the light of this fact, a different classification holds prominence, in which investors are classified based on the wealth cycle stage they are in to.
Wealth Foundation
In this stage Individual starts earning and focus on creating emergency fund along with protection of assets & protection of income through insurances. This stage is more for increasing saving rates and allocates those savings towards growth oriented investment avenues to create wealth.
Accumulating Wealth
In this stage you accumulate money, property and other assets. Your goals may be to enhance your lifestyle, to care for loved ones and to expand your charitable giving. You may be building a business, buying a home, starting a family, or saving for college and retirement.
As you work toward future milestones, your investments should be positioned to help support your long-term goals. Working within the appropriate time frame and risk levels, we’ll allocate a portion of your portfolio to more aggressive, growth-oriented alternatives that we intend to hold for longer periods. In addition to making sure your plan is equipped to meet your future needs, we’ll also structure your investments to help generate appropriate funds for your current pursuits.
The financial tools and strategies you use as you build and manage your wealth will change with your timeframe, risk tolerance and overall financial picture. This also is the time to lay the foundation for the next stages of preserving and transferring your wealth.
Preserving Wealth
As your wealth grows, you likely will accumulate bank accounts, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, property and debts. This financial stage requires more sophisticated financial planning with experienced guidance of a personal wealth services advisor like Navigator.
The financial security you’ve worked to attain is an asset well worth protecting. As you close in on certain long-term goals, we’ll arrange your plan to help provide increased stability and predictability, helping to minimize the potential effects of short-term market fluctuations. Your portfolio will be allocated toward lower-risk investments designed to reduce volatility and protect against inflation and taxes. We’ll also make sure you are equipped with a cohesive arrangement of insurance alternatives in order to guard against unexpected or unnecessary loss.
Transferring Wealth and Leaving a Legacy
Careful planning is essential to making sure your hard-earned wealth lasts throughout your lifetime and beyond. You can share your wealth during your lifetime or after you pass away through estate planning. Planning ensures that your money and assets transfer to the people and charities you wish to remember. Appropriate strategies can minimize taxes while transferring maximum wealth, transition a business or support the causes you are passionate about.
We’ll help guide you in determining a plan that accurately reflects your goals for the distribution of your wealth. Then we’ll continue to work closely with you and your family to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled.
Tax Planning
Tax planning is one of the most important aspects of personal finance. It forms an integral part of our savings plans. However, 90% of financial mistakes by individuals in India are made during the tax planning season. Most of the individuals fail to assess their tax liability and postpone the tax savings to last minute. Hence in India, tax planning is given more importance only during the last two quarters of the financial year. Due to these reasons, they end up paying unnecessary taxes or opt for unnecessary tax savings. Tax planning should be considered as an integral part of an overall financial plan. This would help individuals in optimizing their tax planning strategies.
You may have often encountered problems in assessing your actual tax liability. As a result you end up paying more than required amount in form of taxes or buy unnecessary products. Also taking tax planning tips from friends and family who may not be experts affects your overall financial plan.

Good tax planning services advocates paying taxes smartly by utilizing the provisions in the Tax Laws to minimize the tax liability. The best tax saving plan will include a holistic view of the impact of your tax savings on your financial goals.
At Navigator We provide holistic view for your investment considering your tax efficient return, We help our clients with other host of service under one roof like Estate Planning, Succession Planning, NRI Tax Planning and many more.

NRI Solution
At Navigator Wealth Management Services, it is our constant endeavour to provide the NRIs the highest standards of services with a view to building lasting and trusting relationships.
Our services are classified in two parts to help you to get an idea of range of Wealth Management Services offered exclusively for NRIs having existing wealth in India and to those aspiring to create wealth in their land of origin.
Navigator Wealth Management is a specialized Wealth Management Service, set up by knowledge and experienced professionals with credible background modeled around the concept of ‘family office’.
It comprises of a dedicated team which includes financial analysis, investment advisors, property consultants, lawyers, accountants, tax consultants, attorneys and management graduates. & they assume role of Wealth Managers to the client.
Navigator Wealth Management exclusively caters to two categories of Non Resident Indians. Firstly to NRIs, who have existing wealth back home in India by way of moveable and immovable assets. The division virtually acts as a family office and an Indian representative to NRIs, to assist them in their wealth in the most professional and hassle free manner.
Secondly, to NRIs, who are desirous of creating wealth in India in movable and immovable assets Navigator Wealth Management acts as an advisor in selecting the right product/product mix, in both categories of assets. NRIs in this category can further avail of first category of services after having invested
We prefer a holistic approach in providing Wealth Management Consulting and advisory encompassing Wealth Protection, Wealth Accumulation and Wealth appreciation. We provide end-to-end services to NRIs – Including Banking Services , Getting PAN and KYC compliant , risk profiling, financial planning and investment management; time to time , reviewing, and Re-aligning investments according to changing Market Environments keeping tax compliance in India and your respective country into consideration.
Our range of wealth creation, wealth management and wealth protection solutions are provided through partners that are leaders in their areas of expertise. These partners enable us to provide solutions covering:
- Direct Equity, Futures & Options – Online and offline platform
- Mutual Funds – investing in both Indian and international markets and across multiple asset classes
- Portfolio Management Services (PMS) – across equity, debt and real estate..
- Bonds / Deposits – Issued by Government, and Corporates
- Structured Products : Customised Wealth Creation Tools.
- Life Insurance Solutions taking care of risk coverage, investment and pension solutions.
- General Insurance covering health, businesses and assets.